When it comes to being prepared for emergencies, having the right supplies on hand can make all the difference. Trauma supplies are crucial for addressing serious injuries and ensuring the best possible outcome in a crisis. But what exactly should you have in your emergency TFAK kit (Trauma First Aid Kit) at a minimum to handle trauma situations effectively, such as Massive Hemorrhaging, Blocked Airway and Tension Pneumothorax (Sucking Chest Wound)?
Here are FIVE Essential TFAK supplies we believe you should always have available in your Trauma First Aid Kit and know how to use them:
1. Tourniquet
A tourniquet is a crucial tool for stopping severe bleeding from a limb. When applied correctly, a tourniquet can help prevent excessive blood loss and save lives. Include a high-quality, CoTCCC commercial tourniquet, such as the North American Rescue CAT GEN-7 Tourniquet in your trauma supplies kit and make sure you know how to use it properly.
2. Hemostatic Agents
Hemostatic agents are essential for controlling severe bleeding quickly. These agents promote blood clotting and can be lifesaving in situations where rapid intervention is needed. Make sure to include hemostatic gauze, such as QuikClot Combat Gauze in your trauma kit at all times.
3. Pressure Dressings
Pressure dressings, also referred to as Israeli Emergency Bandages or Emergency Trauma Dressings (ETD), are used to apply direct pressure to wounds and control bleeding. These dressings are designed to provide consistent pressure to the wound site, promoting clotting and reducing blood loss. Make sure to include pressure dressings in your trauma supplies kit for managing serious bleeding injuries.
4. Airway Management Devices
During a trauma situation, maintaining a clear airway is crucial for ensuring proper oxygenation. Airway management devices such as nasopharyngeal airways, (NPA's) can help secure the airway and support breathing in critical situations. Include NPA devices in your trauma kit for comprehensive airway management.
5. Chest Seals
Chest seals are essential for treating open chest wounds, such as those caused by gunshot or stab wounds. These seals create a one-way valve that allows air and blood to escape from the chest cavity while preventing air from entering. Having chest seals in your kit is vital for managing chest trauma injuries.
Additional TFAK Items to Consider for Your Kit
If your TFAK Medical Pouch has the space available, these additional TFAK supplies should definitely be considered for your kit:
- Wound Packing Gauze: (To backfill the hemostatic gauze in larger wounds or pack a second bleeding wound)
- Emergency Mylar Blanket: (To combat patient hypothermia)
- Nitrile Gloves x 2: (For protection from bodily fluids like blood, etc.)
- Surgical Cloth Tape: (For securing gauze and other TFAK Items in place, etc.)
- Trauma Shears: (For cutting patient clothing to get to the wound site, cutting surgical tape, etc.)
- Sharpie Marker: (For noting the time a tourniquet was applied to the patient on the tourniquet "Time Stamp," and documenting additional information as needed)
Being prepared for trauma situations requires having the right supplies on hand to address serious injuries effectively. By including the above FIVE essential trauma supplies in your emergency TFAK kit at a minimum, and the additional TFAK items based on your medical pouch storage space, you can be better equipped to handle pre-hospital, trauma related emergencies and provide life-saving care when it matters most.