How to Properly Stage a NAR CAT GEN7 Tourniquet to Fit into a RIGID Hard Tourniquet Case with or without "Shirt Shield"

How to Properly Stage a NAR CAT GEN7 Tourniquet to Fit into a RIGID Hard Tourniquet Case with or without "Shirt Shield"


When it comes to emergency medical equipment, proper setup is crucial for quick and effective use. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to correctly stage your NAR CAT GEN7 Tourniquet to fit into a RIGID Hard Tourniquet Case.

Step 1: Prepare Your Equipment

Before you begin, ensure that you have your NAR CAT GEN7 Tourniquet and RIGID Hard Tourniquet Case ready. Check that both are clean and in good working condition to guarantee optimal performance in an emergency situation.

Step 2: Adjust/Stage the Tourniquet to Fit Inside the RIGID Hard Case

A. Start by loosening the tourniquet strap to its maximum length. This will make it easier to stage the tourniquet to fit into the RIGID Hard Tourniquet Case without any restrictions.

B. Pull the Red Tip of the Tourniquet's Self-Adhering Band through the Single Routing Buckle until the Red Tip is about two inches past the end of the other folded section of the tourniquet band.

C. Fold the Tourniquet's Self-Adhering Band back onto itself towards the tourniquets body until the bottom of the band is even with the other portion of the band at the Single Routing Buckle, and the Red Tip and Band on the other end is extending above the tourniquet's Windlass Clip and Retention Strap.

D. Next, fold the Red Tip and Tourniquet Band over the top of the Windlass Clip attaching it to the Hook & Loop on the Windlass Clip.

E. Finally, pull the Windlass Retention Strap across the tourniquet's Red Tip and Band and affix the Strap to the Windlass Clip Hook & Loop to secure the band in place.

Step 3: Insert the Tourniquet into the Case

Gently slide the NAR CAT GEN7 Tourniquet into the RIGID Hard Tourniquet Case, making sure that it fits snugly without any excess movement.

Step 4: Perform a Function Check

After staging your NAR CAT GEN7 Tourniquet and inserting it into the RIGID Hard Case, perform a function check to ensure that everything is in working order. Practice removing the tourniquet from the case and deploying it as you would in a real emergency to familiarize yourself with the setup.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your NAR CAT GEN7 Tourniquet is correctly set up and secure in the RIGID Hard Tourniquet Case, ready for use in any emergency situation. Proper setup and preparation are key to effectively responding to medical emergencies and potentially saving lives.


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